Welcome to the Business Community

A powerful platform to bring about real system change.

Become a Business Community member

Backed by pioneering leaders and driven by our partners and supporters, we are united in our efforts to tackle the plastic tsunami at its source.


Discover all our Business Community partners

The network of companies and organisations against plastic pollution

The Business Community is a network of companies and organizations committed to a sustainable future, uniting to fight plastic pollution. Members benefit from valuable networking opportunities, connecting with like-minded leaders and innovators across sectors to share expertise and forge partnerships that strengthen their sustainability missions. By working together, we drive faster, collaborative solutions and sustainable innovations.

Our industry-specific symposia, featuring scientific experts and top speakers, provide members with the latest insights into plastic reduction, the circular economy, and sustainable practices. This equips companies to integrate cutting-edge knowledge into their sustainability strategies, reinforcing their commitment to social responsibility and advancing the fight against plastic pollution for a sustainable future.

What are the benefits of the Business Community?

  • Use of the “Proud Supporter of PSF” or “Proud Partner of PSF” logo for external communication.
  • Shout-out to our PSF LinkedIn account (30,000 followers worldwide)
  • Access to exclusive live networking events
  • Invitation to our Expert Symposia on plastic and health

What if i'm not 100% plastic-free already?

Companies that join our Business Community support the mission of the Plastic Soup Foundation and are committed to reducing their plastic footprint. Whether they already have a 0% tolerance or are still learning, all partners work together on sustainable change. PSF acts as an independent center of expertise and "respected challenger" to stimulate system change through knowledge sharing, networking events, site visits and peer learning.
Interested? Contact us to discuss the possibilities!

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© 2024 Plastic Soup Foundation