Your health will always be our underlying motivation.
Right now, we eat, drink, and inhale plastic.
And plastic wasn’t intended to end up in our bodies.
Our focus doesn’t lie in the recycling game.
We are not actually cleaning the sea.
We want to erase plastic from food, water and air.
We believe in the ripple effect of knowledge.
By making research readable.
By sharing how impact can be made.
We never force, we give advice.
We’ll hold industry leaders accountable.
Because if you know better, you do better.
And we will celebrate anyone who embraces change.
Since it takes a lot of drops to form an ocean.
Plastic Soup Foundation
One wave towards a plastic free future
We aspire to a world where the severity of the plastic crisis is seen as great a threat as climate change. A future where human health is not threatened by the dangers of (micro- and nano)plastics and the harmful chemicals they contain, and where all life on earth is protected from the irreparable damage these substances can cause.
By focusing on public awareness, political pressure, and legal action, we aim to phase out disposable plastics and harmful additives and work towards fundamental system change and the end of big oil.
© 2024 Plastic Soup Foundation