Our impact

Pioneer and driving force in plastic research

As time passed, we learned about the effects of the ubiquity of plastic on our health.

What did we achieve in 2024

We want to turn off the plastic tap as soon as possible. By tackling plastic pollution at the source and highlighting the dangers of plastic on our health. We inform and involve people. Stimulate organizations and brands and go to the table with European politicians. To this end, thanks to support, we have been able to do many projects in 2024!

Want to know what we all did in 2024 to increase our impact?


Back in 2011, we thought it was mainly about ocean pollution...

But in 2014 Plastic Soup Foundation found out:
We eat, drink and breathe plastic.
We started campaigning for research into health damage.
Little was known about it. How much plastic is in our blood and tissue? Do small plastic particles accumulate in the liver and/or brain? Do we get sick from plastic? Later it would turn out that this is unfortunately the case.

In 2018, we were the first to get scientific research into health risks of plastics off the ground

In 2018, we managed to start fifteen research pilots into the effects of microplastics on our health in 2019/2020. The solutions turned out to be alarming. It was proven - what we already suspected - that plastic particles are not only present in the environment, but also in our bodies.

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