Science and plastic pollution

Science and plastic pollution

  • 01/03/2021
  • Clock 1 - 3 minuten
  • eye_icon 5
Climate change, deforestation, the extinction of species, overfishing, and the uncontrolled growth of the global population.
Back in 1992, scientists warned the world about these developments that threatened the future in the open letter “World scientists’ warning to humanity”. The plastic soup was unknown at the time and did not feature on the list. In the meantime, the plastic soup and its consequences have become one of the biggest global environmental disasters and hundreds — if not thousands — of scientists research on plastic pollution and its harmful effects. We continually learn more about the problem, but there are still gaps in our knowledge.

Research on plastic pollution: what we don’t know
Scientists contribute to our knowledge about plastic pollution, but the opportunities to learn more are limited. Field and laboratory studies are expensive and years of research are necessary before a grounded opinion can be formed. Knowledge about the toxicity and effects of nanoplastics, for example, is urgently needed. These particles can penetrate tissue and human cells. But there are no instruments in existence that can effectively measure these particles. As a result, the extent of our exposure can’t be definitively determined at this point. Another problem is the lack of protocols. Scientists follow their own methodologies, resulting in problems when trying to compare the results of different research on plastic pollution.

Planetary Limits
Plastic affects whole ecosystems as well as individual species. Is there a critical limit to the amount of plastic pollution that the planet can handle? Scientists have recognized nine limits for Planet Earth, including climate change, loss of biodiversity, acidification of the oceans, and chemical contamination. If these limits are exceeded, ecological recovery is probably no longer possible. Scientists have argued that plastic pollution is also a planetary limit, although it’s difficult to answer the question, “What is the effect of the plastic soup on System Earth?” The researchers conclude that there is every reason to believe that plastic has had and will continue to have a negative effect on the planetary system. 

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